hehehe frame go speeeeen


(Editor's note: insert stolen quote here)May break on mobile bc I cannot CSS to save my life

    She/Her, They/Them
    Not a minor
    Biromantic, Borderline Asexual

    • Off the market/Taken

    • Average daily watch time on Youtube: 9 hours

    • Does a little drawing and translating

    • Learning animation

    • I also write sometimes

    -。-Things I Like:

    • Games (Nintendo and indies are nifty)

    • Animations, mainly cartoons but anime too

    • Nice drawings from nice artists

    • The fantasy genre

    • Good story writing

    • Unrequited love for the Legend of Zelda series

    • My music preferences jump and teleport around more rapidly than Soul Tyrant

    • Any combination of milk and chocolate

    • Meät

    • If you ever get tired of me, give me one of those DIY miniature house kits and I'll happily disappear for a week

    Before You Follow:

    • This is your final warning

    • Note that I am incapable of initiating a conversation, but feel free to start one with me

    • I can and will swear but I draw the line at racial slurs

    • In case you couldn’t tell from the word count, I like to rant excessively, so consider yourself warned

    • Remember that I will always be here for you. In your hard times, during bad days, when you walk to the store for groceries, when you forget to check your kitchen cabinet for anyone hidden inside, when you sleep with your window unlocked,

    -。-Do Not Interact if you:

    • missed the memo on "how to be a decent human being in the 21st century"

    • are part of the reason a Youtube comment has 500 replies

    • shat your pants if anyone brought up Taiwan without "part of China" following it

    • lack the basic decency to not harass people over fictional characters

    • lack the basic decency to not harass people

    • not remembering that you deserve to be, and are in fact loved and to stay hydrated and to have a good day

    hehehe frame go speeeeen

    I can draw. I don't have a set-in-stone commission rule/pricing sheet, but if you need anything, I can be contacted on Discord.-。-I frequently joke about how bad I am at anything, but I can translate.Like actually translate. I am a professional translator (English/Mandarin). I usually work on games and articles of writing.Again, if you need my service, feel free to contact me on Discord.-。-More to be displayed here when I complete a project or something in my life.

    hehehe frame go speeeeen

    I put completely random stuff here and it is mandatory that you laugh[ Last updated : Nov . 16 . 2022 ]